Royal Air Force Veteran of Bletchley Park and dear FMOT Friend Dies

Royal Air Force Veteran of Bletchley Park and dear FMOT Friend Dies

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Barbara M. (Brown Saks) passed away January 11, 2016.

In 2009, after our documentary “Bomber’s Moon: Girls Beneath the Bombs” broadcasted on PBS, I received a call from a lady with a British accent. “Is the the woman who made that beautiful show about all of us in the war in Europe,” she said. From that point on we were fast friends. I found out that she was an Intelligence Officer in WWII in 1940, in Bletchley Park. The movie “Enigma” with Benedict Cumberbatch in 2014 tells the story.   In fact, Barbara saw the movie from the back row with Gazette reporter taking notes of her reaction. And she had some reaction!  The outfits were all wrong!

From Mists of Time is proud to have Barbara Saks on film telling her entire story of her part in winning WW II. One of the jobs she had was to keep track of where the Bombers were flying at any give time. Here is what she was doing on hr 21st birthday, the day of the Battle of the Bulge.


She was a friend and all of From Mists of Time crew will miss her greatly. Love and prayers to her family and friends all over the world. Here is a radio show with Barabara and Prince Harry when he came to Colorado Springs for a Wounded Warriors event. Barbara got to meet him. Thank God for press passes. We had a blast.


Patty Sue Spiers