From Mists of Time collects and preserves the stories, music, and images of historically significant places, people, and events for future generations of teachers, students, historians, family members, and all other interested parties. Knowing history is to KNOW.
The preservation through multimedia includes audio, video, photography, text, and film recording devices. This history is of eye-witness stories from those who were there, for those who will follow. From Mists of Time is a Colorado 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation.
Recent Blog Posts
The From Mists of Time board and film producers of “They Came For Coal” graciously request your presence at our movie premier, We will show the documentary, and you will meet the incredible... READ MORE
THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WWII AVIATION PRESENTS SPECIAL EVENT: D-DAY THROUGH THE END OF THE WAR On Saturday, July 17, the museum will open early for a special presentation on the P-47 and... READ MORE